When it comes to concealing firearms, everyone has their own preferred method. Honestly, there is no one size fits all best approach when it comes to concealed carry because that largely depends on body type and clothing. Your best shot is to find the concealment technique that works best for you, given the situation. That is why we’ve constructed this list of concealed carry techniques to help provide some ideas and help you find the strategy that works best for you.
Before we begin, there are three basic questions you need to answer before picking your concealed-carry strategy:
- What are you carrying? certain strategies favor particular classes of firearm
- Where are you going? will you be going - work, home, road tripping, running errands, etc.
- What are you doing? certain concealment strategies offer more mobility and comfort, which can help when carrying for extended periods of time or during more demanding physical active
The list below lays out some simple options so you can choose what will work best for your particular situation.
This is a great way to conceal carry, but you need to use a pocket holster! If you don’t use a pocket holster, you run the risk of a negligent discharge and literally shooting yourself in the foot - don’t be that person. A quality pocket holster should include the added protection of a trigger guard. Also, look for one that has a pocket catch feature (a wing on one or both edges that snags inside the pocket, which lets the gun come free when you draw. You should also make sure you can’t manipulate the trigger through the fabric. Remember, if you can feel the trigger through your holster, it’s too thin. Thick leather or molded polymer are our top to suggested materials.
These types of holsters can be horizontally or vertically oriented, and personal preference dictates the best option for you. In some instances, you can end up ‘flagging’ yourself by positioning your firearm in a way that points the muzzle directly back at you. Keep in mind these holsters must be accompanied by a jacket or overshirt if your goal is concealment. Another thing to consider is shoulder weight. If you’re only carrying on one shoulder, the weight will be distributed unevenly causing muscle stress and pain, so this might not be the best choice for long durations.
Using an ankle holster is a great method to conceal with confidence, but the primary drawback is that it doesn’t allow for easy access without crouching down. This way to carry a concealed weapon is not suggested for those who have weak or heavy-set ankles. Again, this method can be uncomfortable for long periods of activity and can feel like an awkwardly heavy boot. Also, consider whether or not you will be sitting for prolonged periods in a position that would expose the holster.
This is touted as one of the most comfortable ways to wear a pistol, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the easiest. There are plenty of ways to carry a concealed weapon with an OWB holster, but it takes customization and patience to find the correct fit for your body type. Some concealed carriers complain that an OWB allows for certain types of shirts to ride up, but this is a great option with an opened button-down shirt if you position it just behind your hip. This is one of the most comfortable techniques for long periods and more active situations.
This is an effective method of concealing your firearm behind the back, on your hip, or next to your appendix. This method keeps the gun close to your body, which means it will be secure and tucked into your pants. This method of concealed carry might take some time to get used to (the heaviness, change in pant size, and more), but feels more comfortable after a while. However, this technique is awkward and uncomfortable in situations where you will be seated, like long drives or extended periods of sitting.
This is a super simple and easy way to have the comfort of your firearm close by, without having to worry about hiding it on your body. Remember to always pack your gun in a designated holster within your purse or briefcase, in order to keep the firearm from moving around while on the go. The last thing you want is to lose track of where your gun is sitting, in case you need to pull it out in an emergency. If you’re someone who constantly misplaces their briefcase or purse, this definitely is not the concealed carry technique for you.
This method is a fantastic option for women wearing dresses or skirts. Obviously, we don’t suggest trying to use a thigh holster while wearing pants, since you’d have to drop your pants in order to access your firearm. Typically these are lightweight, sturdy, and comfortable to wear. Plus if it’s worn on the inside of the thigh, it is nearly impossible to spot. Most thigh holsters come with silicone grippers on the top and bottom edges to keep the firearm secure. Accessing your firearm with this method of concealed carry can be a bit awkward, but it provides security and confidence knowing you have access if any problems arise.
This is a great option for those looking to conceal carry with an undershirt. The secure fit allows a deep concealment shirt to be worn underneath a button-down, a flannel, a jacket, or dress clothes. This is a great option for those looking to carry and have easy access to their firearm in case of an emergency. The firearms tend to sit underneath your arm and high-quality shirts have space for both a firearm on one side and an extra clip on the other. These offer comfort with a more slim profile than the traditional shoulder holster.
Using a belly band holster is close to carrying IWB or OWB, but offers an every more secure option. The fabric sits right against your stomach which means you have a snug fit and easy access to your firearm, but if not positioned correctly the firearm will be easily visible to those around you. This is a great option for those who want to carry while exercising or while wearing loose clothing that can’t support the weight of a firearm.